Monday, March 28, 2011

Gwon. Axe her about it.

Gentle Readers,

Jeff wrote a comment responding to Madame L's first column about the English language. In his comment he mangled the language, for which Madame L forgives him but only because he did it on purpose, while complimenting Madame L and providing her an opportunity to give her readers an important public service message: 

Women, children, and men can learn self-defense skills that may save their lives if they ever have the misfortune to be attacked.

Jeff wrote: "Hey, don't be fooled by that gentle eddicated tone Da Madame uses in usage. She trashed several people on KATU-TV this past week. Gwon. Axe her about it."

Because Jeff runs a self-defense and jujitsu school in Vancouver, Washington, he was asked by a local TV station news reporter to comment on a recent incident in which a woman in nearby Salem, Oregon, was attacked while jogging. The woman did everything right, and the attacker ran off.

Jeff talked to the reporter on camera while Madame L and Cory showed some simple self-defense techniques that anyone can use against an attacker, even someone who is bigger, heaver, and/or stronger.

Madame L hopes all her readers will practice these techniques with a friend (at half-speed or slower), take advantage of local self-defense seminars to learn more techniques, and be aware of their surroundings whenever they are out in public.

Thanks to Adam Ghassemi and KATU News for not just reporting the story but informing the public about how people can defend themselves.


Madame L


LFP said...


Josie and Wayne said...


AskTheGeologist said...

In eddicated tecnical turms, Madame L "Trashed thems aXXs". Three times in as many minutes. Doan mess wif Da Madam or u iz TRASZH!