Saturday, March 19, 2011

What's a Super Full Moon?

Dear Madame L,

What's a super full moon? I read that there's supposed to be one tonight. Also, will it cause super high tides?

Dear Super,

Yes, tonight, Saturday, March 19, 2011, people around the world (except in places like where Madame L lives, where clouds cover the sky night and day) will be able to see a super full moon.

The Earth and moon are closer together than usual (they're at perigree) at full moon, so the moon may seem larger than usual. 

This only happens about once every 18 years, according to NASA, which has a great explanation, complete with diagrams, on its Web site.

This event  is not expected to produce higher high tides than usual, according to NOAA, which also explains  the vernal equinox, the first day of spring, scheduled for tomorrow.

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