Friday, November 2, 2012

Pants on Fire # 25: Romney's Friends and Your Money

Madame L has not heard any lies about this, but wants to share with her Dear Readers the following:

The Truth: If you have contributed to Mitt Romney's presidential campaign, your money has most likely gone to one of his millionaire friends. Here's the breakdown, from the LA Times:

    "Nine firms that are run by or that re­cently em­ployed top Rom­ney aides have re­ceived al­most a third of the $435.8 mil­lion that Rom­ney’s cam­paign and a re­lated fun­drais­ing com­mit­tee have spent on op­er­at­ing ex­penses through Oct. 17, ac­cord­ing to a Los Angeles Times ana­lys­is of fed­er­al elec­tion fin­ance re­ports.

    "The Obama cam­paign has re­lied more heav­ily on out­side vendors, dir­ect­ing $5.8 mil­lion to firms with busi­ness ties to top strategists."

Here are the top four recipients of the $134 million paid to firms with ties to the Romney campaign's inner circle:

$64,115,235 to Targeted Victory for digital consulting and web development. The company was co-founded by Zac Moffatt, who serves as the digital strategist for Romney's campaign.

$23,644,470 to American Rambler for media production, polling, communications and strategy consulting. The firm is run by Stuart Stevens, Russ Schriefer and Eric Fehrnstrom, who are media strategists for Romney's campaign.

$12,500,000 to VG and $9,663,723 to SJZ, for fundraising consulting. Both firms are run by Spencer Zwick, who serves as Romney's campaign finance chair.

$16,550,394 to FLS Connect for telemarketing and data management. Rich Beeson, Romney's political director, is a former partner.

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